
                                          creation 2004


From the beginning the game takes on a strong aesthetic-sensual component, through a "curved line atmosphere". The mother-master relationship transpires from then on: the absurd game of seduction with fiction and ambiguity takes shape.

The air fills with an energy swing:

Dotted with rhythmic moments of the body and hands in search of fleeting satisfactions and reassurances and aesthetic clichés of objects-means-situations.

A fiction of short duration is born of this space.

Michele Ardito


First prize in the professional for young choreographers of Fontainebleau "Les Synodales". Taken to the theater and theater Jardin de Verre Espace Prévert


General conception: Ezio Schiavulli and Michele Ardito

Choreography: Ezio Schiavulli

Dancers: Chloé Hernandez-Camus, Marie Rual,

Ezio Schiavulli

Photography and lights: Katy Longo

Conception and sound: Christophe Sartori

Duration: 35 min